Top ten platform for Ethical hacking free course

Best free platform to learn ethical hacking 

Here are some of the best free resources to learn ethical hacking:

Top ten platform for Ethical hacking

1. Cybrary : Offers free courses on various cyber-security topics, including ethical hacking, penetration testing, and more.


2. Hacker101 : A free class for web security by HackerOne. It includes video lessons and practical challenges.


3. OverTheWire : A series of wargames to help you learn and practice security concepts in a safe environment.

4. TryHackMe : Provides free and premium labs on cybersecurity, covering a wide range of topics including ethical hacking and penetration testing.


5. VulnHub : Offers virtual machines that are vulnerable and designed for practicing penetration testing and learning about security vulnerabilities.

6. Hack The Box : A platform offering various challenges that focus on different aspects of penetration testing. Registration involves solving a challenge.


7. Kali Linux Documentation : Official documentation for Kali Linux, a popular operating system for ethical hacking and penetration testing.


8. OWASP : The Open Web Application Security Project provides extensive resources on web application security.

9. SecurityTube : Features video tutorials on various topics related to hacking and cybersecurity.


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